Sources for images:
Carpenter, Francis. "The First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation Before the Cabinet, 1864," digital image, Civil War Trust, accessed August 1, 2016, http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/primarysources/abraham-lincolns-draft-of.html.
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Nast, Thomas. Lincoln surrounded by scenes of emancipation, 1865. Digital image. Politicifact. June 26, 2015. Accessed July 25, 2016. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/jun/26/blog-posting/did-abraham-lincoln-plan-send-ex-slaves-central-am/.
Ostendorf, Lloyd. "Young Abe Lincoln, the Rail-Splitter." Digital image. Ostendorf Positives: Young Abe Lincoln. Accessed July 25, 2006. http://www.abelincoln.com/positives.htm.
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Lincoln. Accessed July 25, 2006. http://www.abelincoln.com/positives.htm.
Ostendorf, Lloyd. "Walking Lincoln at New Salem (1831-1837)." Digital image. Ostendorf Positives: Young Abe Lincoln. Accessed July 25, 2006. http://www.abelincoln.com/positives.htm.
"The Undecided Political Prize Fight, 1860." Digital image. Purdue Liberal Arts: The History of Presidential Debate. Accessed July 26, 2016. https://www.cla.purdue.edu/academic/history/course/debate/lincolndouglas/LincolnDouglas.html
Wyeth, NC. "Abraham Lincoln and Salmon P. Chase Conferring About the National Bank Act of 1863," digital image, Mr. Lincoln and Freedom, accessed August 1, 2016, http://www.mrlincolnandfreedom.org/library/mr-lincolns-contemporaries/salmon-p-chase/abraham-lincoln-and-salmon-p-chase-conferring-about-the-national-bank-act-of-1863/.
Teaching Strategies:
Pinsker, Matthew. "Skills Matrix–a Collection of Best Practices for the Social Studies Classroom." Understanding Lincoln: Common Core and Close Reading Strategies. Accessed July 25, 2016. https://abrahamlincoln.quora.com/Common-Core-and-Close-Reading-Strategies.
Stanford University. "Reading Like a Historian: Overview." Teaching Channel. Accessed July 25, 2016. https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/reading-like-a-historian-curriculum.
"Skills Matrix–a Collection of Best Practices for the Social Studies Classroom." Lighthouse Initiatives for Texas Classrooms. Accessed July 25, 2016. http://www.tealighthouse.org/socialstudies/skills_and_strategies.pdf.
"The Rail Splitter Repairing the Union Source: Boundless. “Lincoln's Plan and Congress's Response.” Boundless U.S. History. Boundless, 26 May. 2016. Retrieved 30 Jul. 2016 from Https://www.boundless.com/u-s-history/textbooks/boundless-u-s-history-textbook/reconstruction-1865-1877-19/the-battle-over-reconstruction-139/lincoln-s-plan-and-congress-s-response-737-1986/." Digital image. Boundless. Accessed July 26, 2016. https://www.boundless.com/u-s-history/textbooks/boundless-u-s-history-textbook/reconstruction-1865-1877-19/the-battle-over-reconstruction-139/lincoln-s-plan-and-congress-s-response-737-1986/.
Website Content:
BiographyChannel. "Abraham Lincoln - Mini Biography." YouTube. 2012. Accessed August 02, 2016. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L80_q2tPveo.
Bigthink. "Eric Foner Sets Us Straight on Lincoln and Slavery." YouTube. 2012. Accessed August 02, 2016. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hQ2u214A2Y.
Khanacademy. "Increasing Political Battles over Slavery in mid 1800s | US History | Khan Academy." YouTube. 2015. Accessed August 02, 2016. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09YsW2U-7kw.
NortonHistory. "Eric Foner on the Market Revolution, Pt 1." YouTube. 2011. Accessed August 02, 2016. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUrLjs4IRcc.
Mkeithharris. "Office Hours - APUSH Review: The Whig Party." YouTube. 2016. Accessed August 02, 2016. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ62dD9Z64E.
Mkeithharris. "Office Hours - APUSH Review: Abraham Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction." YouTube. 2016. Accessed August 02, 2016. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWCIDOBDuhc.
"Reading Like A Historian | Stanford History Education Group." Reading Like A Historian | Stanford History Education Group. Accessed July 26, 2016. https://sheg.stanford.edu/rlh.
used as a template for lesson design
Weibe, Glenn. "Tip of the Week: Text, Context, and Subtext." History Tech. 2013. Accessed July 31, 2016. https://historytech.wordpress.com/2013/01/18/tip-of-the-week-text-context-and-subtext/.